Students in the seventh and eighth grade are invited to study Luther’s Small Catechism and the Bible in Confirmation classes with Pastor. The goal is to encourage, by God’s Word and Holy Spirit, a growing, dynamic faith. As students study the six essential areas of faith they will learn:
How Christians Live (The Ten Commandments)
Who God Is (The Apostle’s Creed)
How to Pray (The Lord’s Prayer)
How to Forgive and Be Forgiven (The Office of the Keys and Confession)
What Baptism Is (Holy Baptism)
What the Lord’s Supper Is and Does (The Lord’s Supper).
Confirmation prepares the confirmand to make a public profession of Christian faith and become a member of the church.
Confirmation classes meet on Wednesdays from 5:30–6:30 p.m. and follow the public school calendar.
Please see our Events page for specific dates.