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Pastor Keith Bowman is a Texan by the grace of God. God brought him here when the Air Force transferred his father to Abilene. Pastor Bowman then attended Texas A&M. It is during this time that he met his wife, Julie, at University Lutheran Chapel. After meeting Julie, the Spirit nudged him in a new direction. Pastor Bowman left to study pastoral ministry at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis. During his third year he vicared at St. Matthew in Houston. At the same time, he completed an extended unit of Clinical Pastoral Education at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center.
After graduating from the seminary, he took his first call to Florida. It was during his time in Florida that Pastor Bowman began working with addicts as a counselor. This time as a counselor would prove pivotal, but then life took another change. God decided it was time to head north to Joliet where Pastor Bowman served as an Associate Pastor at Our Savior. After a few years there, Pastor Bowman sat down with the senior pastor and a recovering addict. That meeting would be the birth of CrossRoad Life Recovery, a cross-centered 12 step program. With their help and the help of others, Pastor Bowman developed and wrote a program that gives the grace of God through Christ Jesus to hurting people and helps them along the road to recovery.
Pastor Bowman is also the proud father of three children Rebekah, Abigail, and John.
Pastor Keith Bowman can be reached at pastor@oursaviortx.org